- Read through our website to find the answers to most of your questions.
- Read our 100+ reviews on Angie’s List, Facebook, Nextdoor, and Google
- Do we seem like a good fit for you? If so,
- Send an email to c.clark353@gmail.com to schedule a telephone interview. Please include the following information:
(a) Your address so I can confirm that you are in our service area and accurately price our visits?
(b) Dates you need our service so I can check our availability?
(c) What pets do you have (dog, cat, other)?
(d) How many visits per day do you need? Do you need specific times?
(e) Your phone number and the best time to call you. (I have availability most evenings) - I will reply as quickly as possible and will let you know whether or not we can help you.
- Our initial interview will be over the phone. We will discuss your pets needs in detail at that time.
- When you are reasonably sure you want to hire us, we will set up a time to meet you and your pets, see where everything is located, and sign the paperwork. Please be prepared to provide the following at this meeting:
(a) Two copies of your house key; and
(b) We require a minimum $100 non-refundable payment to open your file and hold your reservation.
This $100 will go towards the payment of your pet visits. You have one year to use this payment.
We accept cash, check or Zelle sent to c.clark353@gmail.com. - We prefer that all future reservations be made through email at c.clark353@gmail.com.
NOTE: We are happy and honored to provide care for your pet provided we feel comfortable with your pet during our get acquainted meeting. We do NOT provide care for aggressive or dangerous pets. If your dog is growling at us during our get acquainted meeting, we will not be able to take care of your dog in your absence.
15 minutes = $18 (Available within 5 miles of 79th Street & Carroll Road)
30 minutes = $22 (Our most popular visit length)
45 minutes = $27 (Up to 8 miles travel)
60 minutes = $32 (Up to 8 miles travel)
If you reside outside our standard service area and you only need one flexible timed visit per day, we may accommodate your request for an additional fee (if our schedule allows).
Standard visits include potty time, feeding, fresh water, medication, walking, scooping litter boxs, petting, playing, brushing, cleaning up messes. If requested, we will also bring in mail, flyers, and packages, open/close blinds, rotate lights, water plants, and set out trash cans. We are happy to text you every visit or once a day (with pet photos).
Hours for visits are typically from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The overnight wait for dogs is usually 10.5 to 11 hours.
(Monday-Friday 10:00ish-3:00ish)
Service is scheduled on a monthly basis and paid in advance at the beginning of each month to guarantee our availability.
15 minutes = $18 (Available within 5 miles of 79th Street & Carroll Road)
30 minutes = $22 (Our most popular visit length)
45 minutes = $27 (Up to 8 miles travel)
60 minutes = $32 (Up to 8 miles travel)
For our safety, we require that dogs we walk be reasonably leash trained, and we do not accept aggressive dogs of any size or breed. For pullers we recommend a harness with a hook on the chest area to lessen pulling. (i.e. "Easy Walker" no pull harness)
Holiday Charges: $5 extra per visit on New Years Day, Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Years Eve.
Dog Care: When you are traveling, we recommend three visits per day for dogs who are kept inside without access to a doggie door or potty pads. Morning visits are 8:00-9:00 a.m. Afternoon visits are 3:00-5:30. Evening/Bedtime visits are 8:45-10:00 p.m. Dogs will only have to "hold it" 10.5 to 11 hours overnight. If you prefer 4 visits per day, we will accommodate that when our schedule allows.
Cats: We offer flexibility for cat visits. Most kitty clients ask us to come once a day. Some request two visits per day. It can be dangerous to skip days. We have experienced cats locking themselves in a room without food & water. We know of cats getting tangled up in blind cords and stuck behind dryers. They are curious creatures who are capable of getting into trouble, so we highly recommend at least one visit per day.
Shots/Vaccines: We require that all dogs, and outdoor cats, in our care be vaccinated against rabies.
Dog Boarding: We are not offering this service at this time.
Overnights: We currently do not have any pet sitters offering this service (sleeping in the clients' home).
Pet Taxi: $30 per hour (to vet, to groomer, to doggie day care, etc.). For crated pets only to prevent vehicle damage.
House Check or Plant Watering (indoor or outdoor) with No Pets: We offer this service for the same rates as our Standard Pet Care Visits, based on how long we are at your home. (We will bring in mail, open/close blinds & curtains, turn lights on and off, water plants inside or outside, set out trash, check for break-ins, water leaks, etc.)
Key Fee: Because garage doors can malfunction, and they do not work when electricity goes out, we require 2 keys. If you allow us to keep your keys, thus avoiding extra trips to return keys and/or pick up keys for future visits, there will be NO charge. Otherwise, there is a $15 fee for each key trip we make. You may drop off and pick up your keys at our home if you prefer (no charge). If you have a battery operated code on your front door, then keys are not required as long as you are certain the code will work. Please make sure your locks & doors are in good working condition with fresh batteries.
Mess Cleanup: There is no charge for basic and quick cleanup of ordinary messes that can be dealt with in the amount of time you scheduled us to be in your home. We may not have time in our schedule for extensive cleaning. We charge $30/hour if we stay longer than what you scheduled. We rely on you to provide any cleaning supplies that you would like us to use, and we do not guarantee stain removal. If you provide a broom and dustpan or vacuum, we will sweep around your litter boxes when requested.
Cancellation Policies:
When you need to cancel, we ask that you provide as much notice as possible so we may have a chance to fill your vacated reservation. When our schedule is full, we refer requests to other sitters. This is why being paid for our reservations held is so important to us. We will be as flexible as possible. Let’s discuss what is fair for both of us. Our goal is to have a partnership with you whereby we take excellent care of your pets and home and you help us protect our income.
Guidelines for what we think is fair:
Prepaid Midday Dog Cancellations:
48 hours notice is suggested to issue you a full credit. If you don’t think this is reasonable, just let us know and we will consider a credit based on how often you cancel with less than 48 hours notice. We appreciate you and want you to be happy!
Non-Holiday Travel Cancellations:
7 days before your first scheduled visit = No charge
3 to 6 days before your first schedule visit = 50% charge
2 days before your first scheduled visit = Full charge
(There are no refunds for early returns from trips.)
Holiday and Spring Break Cancellations:
(For the weeks of New Year’s Day, Spring break, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Fall Break, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. We sometimes require a 50% deposit at the time of booking.)
Cancel 15 or more days before the first scheduled visit = Full Refund/No Charge
Cancel 8-14 days before the first scheduled visit = 50% Charge
Cancel 7 days or less before the first scheduled visit = We charge the full amount
(There are no refunds for early returns from trips.)
Pet Safety: Please keep I.D. tags on your dogs at all times, and please microchip your dogs and cats. We suggest locks on your fence gates to prevent children (or anyone) from leaving them open, and to prevent pet theft. Nobody expects their pet(s) to escape and run off (or to be stolen), but it happens.
Snow: In the winter, please keep in mind that we require a safe place to park. Please make arrangements to have your driveway shoveled or plowed, or ask a neighbor if we can park in their driveway during our visits. If there isn't a place for us to safely park without blocking the road, we cannot visit your pet.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. What if something unexpected happens and you cannot come to my home as planned?
A. Cathy & Mark are both full-time pet sitters and are usually able to provide back up for each other. We may also have another team member who can do your visits. We also ask all of our clients to provide us with contact information for someone who can provide backup service in the event that we are unable to get to your home. Unexpected events can happen (i.e. car accidents, family illness or death). Every attempt would be made to contact you and make you aware of the situation.
Q. What does insured and bonded mean?
A. Comforts of Home Pet Sitting LLC annually purchases insurance which provides insurance on the pets in our care, custody or control and on the client's home for acts of pet sitter negligence. Bond coverage provides protection to the home owner from theft by the pet sitter.
Q. Do you visit at the exact time that I request?
A. We cannot guarantee exact times. However, we will do our best to visit reasonably close to the times you request. We will ask you for a "time window".
Q. Should I contact you to let you know when I am back home from a trip?
A. Yes, please do!!! We would really appreciate that! A simple text, email or phone call would be great! Even late at night (I turn my phone off).
Q. Regarding dog walks, what if the weather is particularly nasty?
A. Please express your wishes when scheduling service. We will pay attention to whether or not your pet seems bothered by the weather. If we feel that it is too cold, too hot, too rainy or too much snow, then we will entertain your dog inside your home instead of making both of us feel miserable outside. We would not want to endanger your dog with heat stress or frostbite, and they probably would not like a total drenching. Of course, your dog will go outside long enough for a potty break. We have adequate clothing to protect ourselves even in the nastiest weather.
Q. What if the weather is so bad that you cannot drive to my house?
A. We strongly recommend that you provide us with contact information for someone living nearby who can reach your home in the event that we are unable to get to your home because of impassible roads (deep snow, flood water, icy hills). We will get to your house as soon as we safely can.
Q. When do I pay you and what forms of payment do you accept?
A. If you are a new client, we collect partial or full payment at our initial meeting with you. We require established clients to leave payment in full (by cash or check) for pick up at our first visit. We also offer Zelle payment to c.clark353@gmail.com. For holidays, spring break and fall break, we sometimes require a 50% deposit in advance to hold your reservation. Monday-Friday daily dog visit clients may pay in advance by the week or month. We discount our 30 minute visits $2 (and guarantee your spot) if you book at least 12 visits/walks and prepay at the beginning of each month. (Zelle is the only electronic payment we accept.)
Q. Is it customary for people to tip their pet sitter?
A. Some clients tip and some don't. Tips are greatly appreciated when offered though (smile)!!!
Q. What is the best way to contact you?
A. I require an email for all reservations and lengthy pet instruction updates. That creates a written permanent record that I can easily organize and refer to. Texting is fine for quick reminders, urgent matters, visit reports, and letting me know when you return home from trips. I usually do not answer phone calls while walking dogs and working in client homes. Voicemail messages will be listened to when I am back in my office or on a break.
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